I am going to try my best to write this right now without crying but I can’t make any promises.If you know me well you know that I am the most sensitive person in the world (well almost)… and so even thinking about this precious girl and all that I want to say makes me get a bit choked up. But here goes…
You all know i have photographed her since she was a few weeks old…and on that day we placed this crown on her teeny tiny head and captured moments of her sweet young life. And since then… every year… we make it a tradition to photograph her with the same crown and every year her mommy and I are in awe of how much she has grown since the time before. And I will not lie, I actually imagined photographing her on her graduation day and her wedding day with this same crown on her head. Can you imagine??? And so as I look at these images .. and I think about what she means to me and my son… here is what I wish for her.
Miss “M”.. I wish that you continue to grow up knowing that you are loved. I wish that you always find the confidence you need to live the life you desire and that you are brave when fears get in the way. My wish for you is that you have many adventures.. big ones and little ones. I hope that you find what always makes you happy and that if your heart ever hurts that you know that there will always be another day. My wish for you is that you will always surround yourself with people that value you and feel grateful for you. My wish is that you never forget us… because we will never forget you. You are so precious and you are in my heart forever.
and yup… didn’t make it without some tears.