Dear Mom and Dad,
One day they will be too old to want to hold your hand.
The sound of their sweet voice saying “mommy” will be replaced with an annoyed “MOM.”
They will spend more time with friends or in their rooms and only come out when they are hungry!
One day they will be teenagers and everything will just be so different.
But I can tell you this, as they become more independent and you have to let go… just walk besides them. Let them know that you are still there when they need you. Tell them you love them and be present constantly. Just be present. Show them that even though you may not be holding their hand as they cross the street or wiping their tears after a fall, you are still there.
Until that time comes, enjoy every single moment with them. Go on adventures, celebrate their special days, have lazy days at home together, and enjoy each other. Do the things that matter the most! Your boys will thank you for it one day!