So the moment I hit send when submitting a gallery to a client, I immediately get knots in my stomach as I wait to hear back from the families that receive it. I have been doing this gig for a little more than 5 years now, and I can’t say that it gets easier. I think I always worry about what they will think the minute they see the images on screen. And I will say that I have never had someone respond in any way but positively when they first see their images, but that still doesn’t make me feel at ease. Thats just me!
And so after I submitted the “P” family’s images from their BE Merry session, I received an incredible message from this amazing mommy after opening her gallery. Her words were something like… “this can’t be real life… I am in awe of how perfect you capture our family.” And you all… those words just gave me so much peace… so much love in my heart… and so much joy. I don’t think she knows what her words did to me… but they meant more to me than she will ever know.