Recently I joined a circle of amazing women who have two things in common with me for sure…. we are mothers and photographers. We love our children with every ounce of us and we love to document their everyday with our camera lens. Each month we will write letters to our sons and daughters in order to document their everyday in pictures and words. Our hope is that these letters serve as an everlasting memory of their childhood.
And here is letter number seven…
Dear Adri,
It is that time of the year when we start wrapping up our summer vacation in preparation for another school year. Usually, it is around this time that I begin to feel sad that my work as a school teacher will take me away from home and YOU. We both know that once school starts, the hours spent at home are less, and the hustle and bustle of the everyday life takes over every part of our lives. And so.. with this being the last week in July, I have decided that instead of focusing on the little time we have left together this summer, I am going to focus on the wonderful moments we shared on this amazing vacation of ours. I am grateful that I have chosen a career that gives me time to spend with you… my favorite little person in the world. We had a great summer creating even more memories together…
…pajama days at home,
…trip to the beach,
… going fishing in Port Aransas,
…hours by the pool,
…summer invention camp,
… teaching Snowball to go for a walk,
… movie nights and all the popcorn we could eat,
… teaching you to wash dishes,
… playing video games together,
… Antique shopping with grandma (although you weren’t thrilled about this),
… your first sleepover,
… eating breakfast together every morning (even if it was only cereal).
Thank you for a wonderful summer, my little one. Until next summer…
Now head on over to Tracy’s blog to read her beautiful letter.