You just started your senior year which means you are months away from graduation. Scheduling your senior photos this fall may not be something you are considering since you do have lots of time. However, I will tell you that you might be missing out on the perfect time. Fall senior photos are actually a good idea. Here’s why:
Top 3 Reasons to Book Senior Photos This Fall
- The weather is much cooler. You don’t have to worry about the heat! You know that in Texas it doesn’t technically get cold until December. Which means that you can schedule your family photos when the weather is just nice and cool. You don’t have to worry about sweating up a storm in front of the camera.
- You will get your images with enough time to order your senior cards & announcements. Waiting until the spring means that you have less time to order all those memorable things you want to send out ahead of time. When you book in the fall, you will have your images back before Christmas!
- You have some great options for wardrobe. Think layers and cute sweaters and boots! This is the best part of it all. Your fall senior photos will just be so fun to style for.
And don’t worry about not having your cap& gown in time for your photos. Anyone that books a senior photo session this fall, receives a complimentary mini session in the spring when your cap & gown has arrived and you’ve made a college decision. We will make sure to get those pictures in time. So don’t wait! Schedule your senior photos now.